Women experience physical, sexualised and psychological violence on a daily basis – regardless of their age, their social standing or country of origin. Such violence occurs in relationships, in professional life, and in the public sphere. Women’s shelters and specialised counselling centres offer these women protection against further violence. They help them cope with the consequences of violence and abuse and build up a life without violence.
The Association of Women’s Shelters supports women’s shelters and counselling centres throughout Germany in professional regards and assists them in their political work. FHK builds networks among a large number of nationally operating welfare organisations and affiliated institutions.
Established in Frankfurt am Main in 2001, the Association’s headquarters are located in Berlin since 2010. Its members comprise the Workers’ Welfare Federal Association, the German Caritas Association, the Paritätische General Association Germany, the Diakonie Germany, the Social Service of Catholic Women General Association, and other bodies responsible for the operations of women’s shelters and counselling centres.
Together with 270 women’s shelters and 300 counselling centres, the FHK members promote and secure the system of help and support for women and children affected by violence.
The FHK’s work is supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.