55 results:
21. Trafficking in Women/Human Trafficking  
Trafficking in Women/Human Trafficking Trafficking in women is a form of human trafficking that specifically affects women and that occurs in domestic, European and international contexts. The…  
22. Legal Protection  
Legal Protection Any form of violence against women is liable to prosecution in Germany, regardless of whether it occurs in public space or in the domestic sphere. If a woman is threatened by or…  
23. Gender-Specific Violence  
Gender-Specific Violence Gender-specific violence against women is a form of violence that is directed against women because they belong to the female gender. This means all kinds of action which…  
24. Genital Cutting  
Genital Cutting Genital cutting refers to procedures during which the female genitalia are cut or removed. One also often speaks of “genital mutilation”. However, many affected persons consider this…  
25. Psychological violence  
Psychological violence Domestic violence is primarily associated with bruises and physical violence. In the social environment, however, violence rarely begins with physical assaults. Before the…  
26. Data Privacy  
Privacy Policy This content is currently only available in German. We will work on a translated version and publish it as soon as possible. Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Sie über die Art, den…  
27. Women’s Shelters  
Women's shelters Women’s shelters provide safe accommodation, counselling, and support for women who have become victims of violence, and for their children – at any time, day and night. They are…  
28. Counselling Centres  
Counselling Centres Counselling centres for violence against women are specialised counselling institutions for women, emergency call facilities, as well as intervention centres. Women who are…  
29. Domestic Violence  
Domestic Violence Domestic violence means violence in intimate relationships, especially in domestic partnerships and families. It comprises all forms of action that involve physical, psychological,…  
30. Police and Judicial System  
Police and Judicial System The German police and judicial system are obligated to protect women and their children when they experience violence. In cases of emergency, the police can be called on…  
Search results 21 until 30 of 55