Neue Veröffentlichung: Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women's Perspectives and Experiences

Aktuell erschienen ist ein Buch in dem die Perspektive von geflüchteten Frauen auf das Leben in Erstaufnahme und Gemeinschaftsunterkünften in Berlin dargestellt wird.

Aus der Beschreibung des Verlags über das englischsprachige Buch:

"(...)This book provides insights into the various ways in which women* perceive of and experience their living conditions in five different asylum accommodation centers in Berlin. In particular, it explores how women* – who have fled from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Albania, and who have diverse socio-economic, linguistic and educational backgrounds – describe their lives in the camps with regard to health and care, administration and registration, social interactions and support, and safety and privacy. The ethnographic research on which this book is based resulted from a collaboration between students and lecturers of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin and the Berlin-based group International Women’s Space. In this regard, the book aims to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of refugee women* in Berlin (...)"

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